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Dozens of 'Flash Dads' Cheer On Students Arriving at Schools in Kentucky-For 7 Years Giving High Fives and Support

Dozens of 'Flash Dads' Cheer On Students Arriving at Schools in Kentucky-For 7 Years Giving High Fives and Support
First responders, elected officials, fraternity members; dads of all kinds were there cheering the youth on to their classrooms.

If you're a student at a Louisville elementary school, Wednesday might just be your favorite day of the week.

Perhaps because of its reputation as the "hump day," it's also become the day of action for the "Flash Dads" a volunteer group of fathers from the school district of all different races, creeds, and professions who surprise the children with fist bumps and high fives to start the school day.

The Flash Dads struck on February 8th of this year at Rutherford Elementary School, and struck again in the new school year on October 26th at Wyk Elementary. First responders, elected officials, fraternity members; dads of all kinds were there cheering the youth on to their classrooms.

Their official title is the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) Flash Dads, and they were put together by a JCPS program aimed at boosting morale among students.

"Every time we have a flash dads event, students, principals, and teachers always say ‘man the day was so much better,'" said Greg Vann, an associate from the JCPS program. "Students are positive and uplifted, they can't believe people are there for them."

Dr. Kenya Natsis, principal at Rutherford, told WHAS11 News that this is the positive energy they need to start their day.

"I think it's important to have ‘Flash Dads' in all the schools come out and visit the schools but more importantly it gives the kid just a wonderful start to their day," Dr. Natsis said.

WATCH the story below from NBC Nightly News…

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