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Dog Stands Guard By Trapped Best Friend for a Week Until Rescued

Dog Stands Guard By Trapped Best Friend for a Week Until Rescued
When her little friend fell into a hole and couldn't get out, Tillie the setter spent a week watching over the smaller dog until help finally arrived.

A loyal setter stayed by her best friend's side for a whole week, after the smaller dog fell into a cistern in Washington state.

After the dogs escaped from their home during a party September 7th, they wandered into the woods and Phoebe fell into a small, concrete reservoir. The hole was only a couple of feet deep, but Phoebe, being a basset hound, was just too short to climb out.

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Tillie, the setter, stood guard beside her friend, venturing down the hill every so often to try and lure humans back to help. Someone finally recognized Tillie from the photo posted by Vashon Island Pet Protectors (VIPP), an animal rescue group, on its Facebook page.

Amy Carey with VIPP told ABC News, Tillie was "channelling her inner Lassie." She found the setter, resting her head on the side of the cistern, keeping an eye on her little buddy.

Both dogs were cold and hungry, but are now doing well.

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Carey says people should never give up when their dog goes missing, because you might miss out on a happy ending like the story of Tillie and Phoebe.

(READ more at ABC News) — Photo: Amy Carey, VIPP Facebook

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