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Delta Airlines Rescues Stranded Nigerian Olympic Team Free of Charge

Delta Airlines Rescues Stranded Nigerian Olympic Team Free of Charge
This soccer team had spent months training for the big match only to find themselves stranded the night before the event – that's when Delta stepped in.

The Nigerian men's soccer team was dangerously close to missing their first chance at competing in the 2016 Rio Olympics, but thankfully, they had luck – and a good airline – on their side.

That's when they were told that all the flights to Brazil were fully booked.

Efforts to book a charter flight failed because the team of over 30 officials and players was too many people for any plane.

Delta Airline officials started scrambling to find a solution for the displaced team in time for their match on Thursday evening.

Finally, on Wednesday, airline workers discovered an NBA charter plane that was free to take the entire squad without having to bump passengers. Arriving just hours before their game against Japan, the Nigerian team was given the flight free of charge with a return trip home included.

Feel Free To Fly This Story Over To Your Friends, Click To Share – Photo by Eric Salard, CC

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