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Defying Their Bullying, Teen Called "Trash Girl" Continues to Save the Planet

Defying Their Bullying, Teen Called "Trash Girl" Continues to Save the Planet
Nadia Sparkes doesn't give a hoot about the bullies who make fun of her in her community. In fact, she's taken it all in stride and garnered thousands of online fans instead.

Nadia Sparkes doesn't care about the bullies who try and ridicule her for her eco-friendly habits - she will continue doing all she can to save the environment.

The 12-year-old high school student has spent the last six months picking up all of the trash that litters the 2-mile stretch between Hellesdon High School and her home. The student says that picking up trash is her way of making the community - and the planet - a little bit tidier.

Every day that the youngster heads home from school, she fills up her bicycle basket with the litter that she finds on the side of the road. Since she began her mission, she has filled up two recycling bins of trash.

Unfortunately, some local bullies started making fun of her routine and calling her "Trash Girl".

Instead of being dissuaded by their rudeness, however, Sparkes is more determined than ever.

"I'm not going to stop doing the right thing because of them, and if they are going to call me trash girl, they can say it with respect," said Sparkes, according to the Eastern Daily Press.

"I'm doing something to protect the world they also live in. It's everyone's job. We are all responsible for keeping this world safe, instead of believing that it's always someone else's job."

Since news of Sparkes's hardworking spirit has gone viral, the teen has received an outpouring of support on her Facebook page, which is appropriately called "Team Trash Girl".

One reader left a comment saying: "I just read your story, and you are truly a strong and independent person. The world need more people like you. It's hard to keeping doing the right thing when dealing with bullies, but you've just become stronger and started something beautiful. Thank you."

Another supporter wrote: "I am a diehard fisherman and I do everything I can to keep plastics and other waste out of the waters I frequent. Thank you so much for doing your part in your locale. You are a blessing to this Earth and I look forward to seeing you inspire others!"

In light of her latest slew of fans, Sparkes has asked all of her readers to join her mission by picking up at least three pieces of trash today in their community.

Clean Up Negativity: Click To Share With Your Friends (Photo by Paula Sparkes)

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