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Deforestation Fell 26% in Colombian Amazon Last Year Since Peace and Reconciliation with Rebels in FARC

Deforestation Fell 26% in Colombian Amazon Last Year Since Peace and Reconciliation with Rebels in FARC
President Petro is conducting peace negotiations that put the environment first with around 20 splinter factions of the FARC guerillas.


After its first-ever left-wing presidential administration took charge of negotiating permanent peace with the socialist FARC rebels, Colombia's forests are feeling the effects with a 26% reduction in deforestation in the conflict areas.

These dense, biodiverse rainforests that are a part of the Amazon in places, and independent of it in others, have been one of the many victims of the country's civil war.

However, President Gustavo Petro is conducting peace negotiations that put the environment first with around 20 splinter factions of the FARC guerillas, who have responded positively.

De-facto leadership in the conflict areas in the forested state of Gauviare has instituted its own deforestation moratorium, and an estimated 50,000 hectares of rainforest have been saved as a result.

"This is really dramatic," conservationist Rodrigo Botero told The Guardian. "It's the highest reduction in deforestation and forest fires that there has been in two decades."

The Guardian recently covered these peace negotiations alongside a delegation from Norway which included that country's environment minister, Espen Barth Eide.

"What I'm hearing, seeing, and feeling in these meetings is that there is an enhanced understanding that you cannot build a new Colombia on the basis of the further deterioration of nature, so you have to find an economic, social, political, inclusive process that is more respectful towards nature than before," Barth told the English paper.

Often flying under the radar when compared to its neighbor Brazil, Colombia is the second-most biodiverse country on Earth, and the most biodiverse in terms of bird life.

It's the 25th-highest country in the world for Forest Integrity Index score (8.26) and boasts twice as many square miles of highly-intact forest than of poorly-intact forest, almost all of which resides in the conflicted states of Amazonia, Caquetá, and Putumayo.

If the Petro government can really put the brakes on the conversion of forests into pastureland for cattle, it would be helping to save one of the most valuable tropical forest ecosystems on Earth.

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