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Dad is a Janitor And All 5 of His Kids Have Gone to College (WATCH)

Dad is a Janitor And All 5 of His Kids Have Gone to College (WATCH)
You may want to redefine the word ‘uneducated' after you hear how this smart working-class janitor sent five kids through college.


Even though this father has never gone to college himself, his clever occupation choice has saved him over $700,000 in tuition money.

Fred Vautour has been a janitor at Boston College in Massachusetts for 18 years, taking advantage of a clause in his employment contract stating that any of his children accepted into the university would never need to pay tuition.

Vautour is living proof that you don't have to be highly educated to make sure your kids will turn out that way – even all five of them.

(WATCH Steve Hartman's story above from CBS)

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