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D.C. City Council Approves Nation's Most Generous Paid Leave Program

D.C. City Council Approves Nation's Most Generous Paid Leave Program
The Univeral Paid Leave Act passed on Tuesday would ensure up to 8 weeks of paid leave for Washington D.C. employees.

The Washington D.C. city council just approved one of the nation's most generous paid parental leave programs.

The Univeral Paid Leave Act passed on Tuesday would ensure up to 8 weeks of paid leave for employees with medical conflict or any parents with newborn or adopted children. The worker would be assured up to 90% of their salary, or $1,000 a week.

After the bill passed by an 11-2 vote, the mayor suggested a veto due to many of the possible recipients of the paid leave being commuters from the surrounding Maryland and Virginia areas.

There is currently only three American states that necessitate paid parental leave, the U.S. is still one of the only countries that does not have a nationwide program in place.

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