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Couple Finally Opens Mysterious Wedding Gift From 9 Years Earlier

Couple Finally Opens Mysterious Wedding Gift From 9 Years Earlier
After being given a wedding gift that warned not to open it until their first disagreement, the Gunns waited until the right time – which was 9 years later.

Even though they had had their fair share of fights and scuffles, a little wrapped box signed "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 1ST DISAGREEMENT" remained unopened in the Gunn family's closet.

But even though their first disagreement had came and went, they didn't want to spoil the importance of the gift.

"I honestly think that we both avoided turning to the box, because it would have symbolized our failure," Kathy explained on Facebook. "To us, it would have meant that we didn't have what it takes to make our marriage work – and we're both too stubborn and determined for that. So, it forced us to reassess situations. Was it really time to open the box? What if this isn't our worst fight? What if there's a worse one ahead of us and we don't have our box?!? As my Great Uncle Bill would say, ‘Nothing is ever so bad that it couldn't get worse.'"

So the gift remained unopened until years later, the couple started pondering what wedding present to give to their friend.

That's when they remembered Aunt Allison's box hidden in the closet and they agreed that if they were still together after 9 years, they didn't need the gift's help in staying together.

After cracking open the hallowed treasure, the couple couldn't help but laugh at what they found.

Inside, there were candles, two wrapped wineglasses, and two separate notes attached to two $10 bills: one of the notes told Kathy to go pick up some pizza, while the other was a message to Brandon telling him to go get flowers and a bottle of wine.

Even though the box just contained the beloved tools for a time-honored night in, it also made the Gunns realize that the gift helped them keep their problems in perspective even when times got hard. They didn't need a grand secret to make it as husband and wife – they just needed each other.

Since opening the present, Kathy wrote an essay about her experience on the Love What Matters Facebook page where it has gotten hundreds of positive comments and shares.

Spread The Love: Click To Share – Photo by Kathy Gunn

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