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Lawyer Gives Full Backpacks To Every Elementary School Kid in Detroit

Lawyer Gives Full Backpacks To Every Elementary School Kid in Detroit
It was Christmas in September when a lawyer paid $460K to donate backpacks stuffed with new school supplies to every elementary school child in Detroit.

Many of the students in Detroit, Michigan's schools show up to class with used or secondhand school supplies, making it harder for them to concentrate on learning.

One lawyer decided to change the game for every elementary public school student in the city.

The Mike Morse Law Firm decided to invest a quarter million dollars to buy 23,000 backpacks filled with school supplies like markers, erasers, folders, pencils, notebooks, and other educational goodies for each student in grades K through 5.

Needless to say, the new gifts brought excited back-to-school smiles to children's faces in 65 Detroit schools.

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"I think it teaches them that there are people out there in the community that care about them," Mike Morse said in a video highlighting the firm's efforts. "They want them to succeed, that want them to win at life."

A few days after the video was shot, filmmaker Sean O'Grady spoke with a family who just moved to the city under some tough circumstances and couldn't afford to buy any uniforms or supplies for their twin fifth graders.

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"As a result of the donation, they now have all the supplies they need to start the year. The entire family of 5 was incredibly grateful and it was really moving," O'Grady told the Good News Network. "They heard nothing but bad things about Detroit before moving there, but this helped them realize that there are generous people everywhere."

In preparation for next year, The Mike Morse Backpack Fund is raising more money from public donations to try to give every Michigan student a great start to the school year. Donate at the link above, or at the partnering nonprofit Kids In Need Foundation.

(Previously we reported the backpacks each cost $20, but, learned later they were valued at twenty dollars, but purchased at a discount for half the calculated amount.)

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