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Colombia's Top Court Orders Government to Protect Amazon in Landmark Case Initiated by Youth

Colombia's Top Court Orders Government to Protect Amazon in Landmark Case Initiated by Youth
In a historic gesture of justice, the Supreme Court sided with a group of youngsters who were suing the government for their failure to curb deforestation.

In a historic ruling, Colombia's top court has sided with a group of young adults and children who are suing the government for failing to properly protect the Amazon rainforest.

Thanks to the 3-4 ruling, the country's president and local municipalities must create legislation that will put a stop to deforestation within the next five months.

The court case was facilitated with the help of Dejusticia, a Bogota-based human rights organization. The youth and the nonprofit were able to convince the South American Supreme Court that the Amazon rainforest was essential to their constitutional rights to life, health, food, water, and a safe environment.

Additionally, the youngsters argued that since deforestation is the country's largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, the government's failure to protect the Amazon was directly violating the rights of future generations as well.

The Court sided with the plaintiffs and even emphasized that the Colombian government had been avoiding the issue for long enough.

"It is clear, despite numerous international commitments, regulations, and jurisprudence on the matter, that the Colombian State has not efficiently tackled the problem of deforestation in the Amazon," the Court said, according to Dejusticia.

Camila Bustos, a researcher with Dejusticia, said: "We were thrilled with the result. The ruling was beautifully written, and it's refreshing and novel on the importance of nature, not only for humans but also its intrinsic value. And it recognizes the rights of the future generations."

Plant Some Positivity: Click To Share The Good News With Your Friends – Photo by Ecuador Megadiverso, CC

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