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College Kids Spend Spring Break Installing Solar Panels For Low-Income Families

College Kids Spend Spring Break Installing Solar Panels For Low-Income Families
Instead of sipping margaritas on a beach for spring break, these college students are sweating it out on low-income rooftops by installing solar panels.

These college students may be stretching out in the sun over spring break, but it's not because they're on a beach – they're actually choosing to install solar panels on rooftops instead.

Over 200 students from 15 different schools across the country have been volunteering for Grid Alternatives; a nonprofit that installs solar panels on lower-income households to help reduce their utility bills.

To make "Solar Spring Break", ever better, the volunteering students are given access to mentorships, job openings, and career recommendations.

Not to mention they get the satisfaction of giving back to the community and the families that really need it – while the save the planet.

"[Solar Spring Break] was deeply eye-opening, mind opening and heart opening," said Jasmine Tan, an undergraduate at Duke University who participated in 2016. "I felt so much more connected, not only to the solar and sustainability industry, but also to a whole new community and network."

(WATCH the video below)

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