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Home Builder Gives Free Homes to Wounded Vets

Home Builder Gives Free Homes to Wounded Vets
Injured veterans are getting help from a custom home builder in Houston, Texas, who recently presented one soldier who'd survived an explosion in Baghdad with an unexpected gift: a home built especially for them, mortgage-free.

Alexander Reyes' boyhood dream of a military career ended when he was hit by an improvised explosive device during a patrol two years ago in Baghdad.

"Laying in that hospital bed … sometimes I felt I'd rather [have] died," Reyes said. "My life came to a complete halt."

He and a handful of other injured veterans are getting help from a custom home builder in Houston, Texas, who recently presented Reyes and his wife with an unexpected gift: a home built especially for them, mortgage-free.

"Thank you. That's all I can say," Elizabeth Reyes said, sobbing and clutching her stunned husband's arm as Wallrath surprised them with the house.

WATCH the video below, or at the CNN Heroes Website…Thanks to C. Davenport for sending the link!


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