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Clever Pup Opens 4 Doors So He Can Reunite With His Family (WATCH)

Clever Pup Opens 4 Doors So He Can Reunite With His Family (WATCH)
General the dog just reenacted The Great Escape without even batting an eyelash.

Some dogs can't even understand the basic "sit" and "stay" commands, let alone being smart enough to break out of an animal hospital – which is precisely what General did earlier this week.

General is a Great Pyrenees who was kept in a kennel at the Aquia-Garrisonville Animal Hospital in Stafford, Virginia while his family was on vacation. The hospital's security footage captured on Sunday night shows the pup opening four different doors – one of which he opened with his mouth – in order to escape.

Officials at the animal hospital called the dog's owners, informing them of his masterful escape.

While General's disappearance may have caused quite a fuss, he was later found resting in the family's next-door neighbor's yard.

"General has been found!" wrote the hospital in a Facebook post on Monday. "According to neighbors he was resting in their yard since 11 am this morning. A huge thanks to all that helped General find his way back safely. A special thanks to Stafford Animal Control, Stafford Sheriffs, and the many friends of AGAH who supported us through this stressful time. Officer McCall was the responding Animal Control Officer to return him to us."

Steve McQueen, eat your heart out.

(WATCH the video below)


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