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Chechens Finally Granted Refuge Status After Persecution for Being Gay

Chechens Finally Granted Refuge Status After Persecution for Being Gay
Gay Chechen men are finally being granted humanitarian visas on the grounds of being hunted by law enforcement.

The Foreign Ministry of Germany has just granted refuge to its first gay Chechen man fleeing persecution on a humanitarian visa. While he arrived in Germany earlier this week, several more applicants are currently being reviewed by diplomats at the German embassy in Moscow.

France announced the arrival of their first gay Chechen refugee near the end of May.

Since March, human rights activists have twice raised the alarm over Chechen police allegedly hunting and rounding up over 100 gay Chechens for violent purposes. Though Chechen officials have denied these allegations, evidence and testimonies continue to arise against the nation's law enforcement claims.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron have been urging Russian President Vladimir Putin to take action and protect the gay Chechen community.

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