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Cat Survives Raging Wildfire by Hiding in Kitchen Stove

Cat Survives Raging Wildfire by Hiding in Kitchen Stove
This cat may have used up several of his nine lives to ride out the Fort McMurray wildfire inside a kitchen stove as the house burned around him.

This cat staged an escape worthy of Indiana Jones — surviving disaster in a kitchen appliance.

Crews fighting the Fort McMurray wildfire in Alberta, Canada found Tux the cat in the middle of a home — where everything else was destroyed – sheltering inside the stove.

Firefighters bandaged Tux's paws and put his picture out on social media where Jody Lishchynsky recognized her feline friend, and was reunited soon after.

The Lishchynsky family had only about 15 minutes warning of the fire's approach, and in the chaos, Tux was trapped behind the fire line.

They had been gathering what they could carry, when the fire jumped the highway and raced toward them.

The family loaded their dog and what they were carrying into the truck, but when they turned to go back and rescue the cats, the fire had already encircled the house.

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"I don't know why that fireman looked in that stove,"Lishchynsky told the Canadian Press. "That's just beyond me. Sure enough, there's the little frigger."

Since Tux's return, the Lishchynskys learned that at least one of their other cats, Sky, escaped the fire as well.

(READ more from The Canadian Press) — Photos: Bobby Hull, Facebook

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