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Care Home Residents Surprised By Festive Penguins Bringing Christmas Cheer

Care Home Residents Surprised By Festive Penguins Bringing Christmas Cheer
Residents at the Colne View senior home got flippin' good surprise when two charming penguins deliver some Christmas cheer.

Residents of a senior home got a flippin' good surprise last week, after two charming feathered guests arrived to deliver some Christmas cheer.

Seniors at the Colne View facility in Halstead, Essex, woke up to find two penguins outside.

Accompanied by introductions using their adorable names, Pringle and Widget waddled through the halls, exploring the Care UK home.

Charming photos were soon shared on social media, showing delighted residents petting and holding the penguins on their laps.

Ruth Silverlock said it was "wonderful seeing the penguins."

"I was surprised at how tame they were," said the 86-year-old. "They were quite happy just sitting on my lap and they seemed to enjoy the attention from everyone."

Residents including Ruth were joined by friends and family for the festive affair.

Freda, Ruth, Kim Richardson, John, and Jack – Colne View care home / SWNS

"How lovely to see mum smiling and holding a penguin!" said Anita Griggs. "Thank you for organizing this, it was a lovely day!"

One staff member, Tracie-Ellen Cornhill, wrote on the home's Facebook page: "This was absolutely the best time ever! I loved the looks on our wonderful family of residents' faces."

Several photos showed the penguins sizing up the many indoor Christmas trees. One photo shows a woman locking eyes with a penguin standing on the floor from her bed—presumably wondering if she was still dreaming.

The black and white African penguins were provided by Amazing Animals.

Everyone at Colne View was soon feeling truly ready for Christmas.

"I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who came, especially Widget and Pringle, and wish everyone a merry Christmas," said Cornhill.

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