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Cardboard Sign Secures Job For Determined Unemployed Man

Cardboard Sign Secures Job For Determined Unemployed Man
Nathan Campbell was tired of waiting for an email back from prospective employers. Instead, he took to the streets with a cardboard sign.

We are all familiar with the poor folks standing on the side of the road with signs asking for change – but this guy is in the news for standing on the side of the road with a sign asking for a job.

Nathan Campbell has spent the last six months sending his resume and cover letter to prospective places of employment in hopes of landing an interview. After applying to over a dozen different positions, however, the 22-year-old says that he either got "no response or a negative response".

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The young laborer then grabbed a cardboard sign and scribbled "Please give me a job!" in black marker.

With the sign in hand, he stood on the side of the road in Ayrshire, Scotland and waited for a response.

Over the course of 30 minutes, Campbell received five different business cards from intrigued drivers. By the end of the week, he had landed a construction job with McTaggart Civils.

"The whole sitting in the house and going through the same stuff every day drove me up the walls and I thought I had to do something," Campbell told The Scottish Sun. "Just making that one small move has made a massive difference.

"I would definitely say to people to put themselves out there."

Give This Inspiring Story Some Traffic: Click To Share With Your Friends (Photo by Nathan Campbell)

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