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Stories That Matter

Canadian Cookie Lady Gets a New Roof From Firefighters (WATCH)

Canadian Cookie Lady Gets a New Roof From Firefighters (WATCH)
A woman who has treated a local fire station with home-baked cookies every week for 12 years was paid back by the Saskatchewan boys with a new roof.


A woman who has treated a local fire station with home-baked cookies every week for 12 years was paid back by the Saskatchewan boys with a new roof.

One of the firefighters, who works part-time at a roofing company, learned that Diane Duke had asked for an estimate on installation and new shingles.

The Regina Fire Hall Number 4 rounded up supplies–donated from Dynamic Roofing and Kenroc–and volunteered a couple hours to do the job themselves.


Of course, she cooked them lunch and served lots of homemade cookies.

(WATCH the video above or READ the story from the CBC) – Story tip from Murray Lindsay

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