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Sportsmanship Alive and Well at Olympics - Canada Coach Lends Ski to Russian

Sportsmanship Alive and Well at Olympics - Canada Coach Lends Ski to Russian
In true Olympic spirit, Canada's head cross-country ski coach Justin Wadsworth rushed to help a Russian skier after the athlete crashed in the semi-final of the men's freestyle sprint and broke one of his skis.

In true Olympic spirit, Canada's head cross-country ski coach Justin Wadsworth rushed to help a Russian skier after the athlete crashed in the semi-final of the men's freestyle sprint and broke one of his skis.

With a new ski in hand, Wadsworth rushed toward the struggling athlete and fixed the new ski to Russian's ski boot, reports Global News in Canada.

But this could be the ultimate story of "paying it forward" after an incident involving a Canadian skier in 2006.

(READ the story and WATCH the GIF from Sports Illustrated)

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