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You Can Now Get a Daily Dose of App-iness From the Dalai Lama on Your Phone

You Can Now Get a Daily Dose of App-iness From the Dalai Lama on Your Phone
Anyone who has a thirst for the Dalai Lama's wisdom and guidance can now download his iPhone app that is entirely dedicated to his teachings.

If you need some daily spiritual guidance to balance our your social media news feed, you can take with you the Dalai Lama's wisdom wherever you go.

The Office of His Holiness announced on Twitter earlier this week that the new "Dalai Lama" app can now be downloaded from the Apple store for free.

Considering that the 82-year-old monk already preaches to over 16 million followers on Twitter, the app has been hailed as a much-needed resource for wisdom and peace.

"Downloading this app has not just improved my life, but the lives of those around me," read one user review. "There are very few apps that can make the world a better place. This is one of them."

The Dalai Lama has voiced his support of using technology has an asset to human growth in the past – but he also warns that people should not allow it to govern their lives, either.

"Without technology, humanity has no future, but we have to be careful that we don't become so mechanized that we lose our human feelings," he told AFP in 2014.

The Office of His Holiniess the Dalai Lama has released ‘Dalai Lama', a new iPhone App now available for download at the Apple App Store https://t.co/F7V8IpkgDl. With Dalai Lama stay up to date with what His Holiness is doing, his travels, and his teachings. pic.twitter.com/zQnY5QNP8j

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