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California Bans Use of Harmful Devices Against Captive Elephants

California Bans Use of Harmful Devices Against Captive Elephants
Following Rhode Island's example, the West coast state has just signed a bill that will give severe civil penalties for the use of cruel training tools.

California Governor Jerry Brown has just signed in Senate Bill 1062 banning the use of bullhooks, ankuses, baseball bats, axe handles, pitchforks, spikes, and any other device designed to inflict pain for the purpose of training or controlling the behavior of an elephant.

The Ringling Brothers Circus retired their elephant acts in May – two years earlier than originally stated and Malawi just relocated 500 of the endangered creatures to a safer and more spacious location protected from poachers.

Rhode Island was the first state to ban the use of harmful training tools in July.

Multiply The Good, Click To Share – Photo by Mara, CC

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