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This Calf Bears an Uncanny Resemblance to Rock Star From KISS

This Calf Bears an Uncanny Resemblance to Rock Star From KISS
Gene Simmons himself was impressed by the Texas heifer who, locals say, was born while KISS music was playing on the radio.

This heavy metal heifer is becoming a rock star for having the same facial markings as Gene Simmons: the infamous bass player from the band KISS.

The calf, which was fondly named Genie, was allegedly born at a Kerrville, Texas ranch while KISS music was playing on the radio.

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Despite the suggestion, Simmons himself was impressed by the surprising resemblance and posted the photo on Twitter with the caption: "This is real, folks!!!"

While most cows at the ranch are bred for the slaughter, they insisted that Genie is far too special for such treatment. In fact, they are now trying to get the KISS singer to visit the ranch and meet the bovine who stole his signature look.

(WATCH the video below)

This Story Was Made For Loving: Click To Share – Photo via Hill Country Visitor

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