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Bus Driver Gives Heartfelt Goodbye Gift to 4-year-old Before Switching Routes

Bus Driver Gives Heartfelt Goodbye Gift to 4-year-old Before Switching Routes
Bus driver John Reed and 4-year-old Sebastiana Balistreri are the best of buddies – so when it was his last day on their bus route, he made sure to thank her for her cheeriness.

Bus driver John Reed and 4-year-old Sebastiana Balistreri may not seem to have much in common, but over the course of the last few months, they have become best buddies.

Every morning that Reed would pull up to Sebastiana's bus stop in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she would greet him by smiling, waving, and jumping around on the sidewalk. In return, he would honk the bus horn and wave back.

Tracy's mom wrote about her daughter's special friendship on Facebook earlier this week, saying: "Every morning, Sebastiana and I take the city bus (Green Line) to school and work. We try to always take the same bus because we made friends with the driver John."

"She is always super excited to see him, she always wishes him a good morning, and tells him the latest tidbit of news in her 4-year-old life. She wrote him a Valentine, and he gave her one too. They are best buddies."

So when Reed was told that he would be switching bus routes, he knew that he was going to miss his favorite little passenger.

As a means of saying goodbye to the tyke before he took charge of another route, he gave her a gift bag with a coloring book, a stuffed animal, and a card.

The card read: "I can honestly say that over the past months, you have been my favorite li'l bus passenger. Your happy smile and warm ‘good mornings' have brightened my everyday. I want to thank you for being a GREAT EXAMPLE for others to follow."

(WATCH the video below)

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