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Bullied Boy With Buck-teeth Finally Gets New Smile

Bullied Boy With Buck-teeth Finally Gets New Smile
Evan Hill of Christchurch, New Zealand will no longer be called "rabbit boy" now that he has a beautiful new smile thanks to strangers far and wide.

Evan Hill has endured ridicule his whole life because of his enlarged front teeth – so big they were that the teen was never able to close his mouth all the way.

But after five years of orthodonture visits and, most importantly, with the help of an embracing New Zealand community in Christchurch and strangers from far away, this youth finally has a smile he can be proud of.

The cost of procedures necessary for fixing Evan's buck teeth amounted to a whopping $100,000. When the boy's story went public, however, donations poured in from around the country, saving Evan's mom from having to mortgage the family home.

Earlier this week, orthodontist Ronald Sluiter took Evan's braces off, revealing a confident, happy smile underneath.

"It's about time," Evan's mother Barbara Erickson told Newshub. "I don't know where we would have been today without the generosity we had."

(WATCH the video below)

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