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See the Moment a Bubble Froze Into a Beautiful Sphere At Sunrise Creating a Natural Snow Globe

See the Moment a Bubble Froze Into a Beautiful Sphere At Sunrise Creating a Natural Snow Globe
Make a bubble outside on a freezing winter's day, and you can take amazing sunrise photos like these ones pictured.

This is the moment a bubble froze into a perfect sphere during a recent sunrise, creating a natural snow globe.

The soapy orb turned into a pristine snow globe at the same time as a fisherman strode out over frozen waters.

Carol Bauer tiptoed about two feet out onto Big Stone Lake, Minnesota where the ice was about four inches thick, to get the shot.

The air temperature was around (8.6°F) -13°C and the wind low, so the conditions were perfect for bubbles to freeze over.

Carol blew air through a straw into a glass filled with water, liquid soap, and corn syrup to create the bubble, and perfectly captured the formation of ice crystals on its surface, turning it into a homemade snow globe.

A fisherman walks behind the bubble, stepping out further onto the thin ice with a trailer filled with fishing gear.


Carol said the moment had a special meaning to her because her Dad recently passed away. "He had cabin on this lake for 25 years and fished in it many times.

"My mind was on him that morning and then this fisherman comes along. He happened to be a fishing friend of my Dad's whom I had not met before. He reminded me so much of my father. It kind of made my day."

(WATCH the video of the ice bubble freezing in real-time below.)

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