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These Blobs May Be the Future of Plastic Water Bottles

These Blobs May Be the Future of Plastic Water Bottles
This little glob of water is actually encompassed in an "edible water bottle".

These funny looking globs might spell the end of plastic bottles polluting the ocean.

The Ooho! is an "edible water bottle" made entirely out of sustainable packaging.

Each glob contains 250 ml each, costing only about 2 cents to make.

Skipping Rocks already designed the Ooho! in 2014, however they are now seeking funding on CrowdCube for the product's large-scale manufacturing.

The startup is currently producing only about 2,000 Oohos! a day, but they start marketing the globule and music festivals and outdoor events next year.

With 1 billion plastic containers making their way into the ocean every year, Skipping Rocks hope that the Ooho! will be the new, cheaper alternative to convenient plastic packaging.

"I think a lot of the issue with sustainability and being greener is that it leaves the consumer out of the experience," Sean Coary, a consumer behavior expert at St. Joseph's University told The Christian Science Monitor. "If you buy a plastic bottle that is made of 30 percent less plastic, you really don't experience your contribution to a greener society, whereas if you ‘eat' your water bottle, you're actually reminding yourself and consciously thinking of this step that you're taking to be sustainable, to be greener, and that could have a more positive impact on the consumer."

(WATCH the video below)

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