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Legally Blind Photographer Snaps Stunning Award-Winning Photo

Legally Blind Photographer Snaps Stunning Award-Winning Photo
Judges of the Eye Remember photography contest in Canada had no idea Tara Miller had any vision problem whatsoever, let alone having only 10 percent vision in one eye. The blind commercial photographer won the contest with her stunning landscape entitled, Fortuitous Twilight.

Judges of the Eye Remember photography contest in Canada had no idea Tara Miller had any vision problem whatsoever, let alone having only 10 percent vision in one eye.

The blind commercial photographer from Winnipeg won the nationwide contest, which anyone could enter, with her stunning landscape, entitled "Fortuitous Twilight."

"I will never forget how my 12 year old son was there to help me capture this image," said Miller, who began to lose her vision to glaucoma in childhood.

She takes photos by using what little sight she has to plan and frame the shot. Once shooting is complete, she hooks her camera up to a large 27-inch monitor and blows the image up to 200 percent so she can see the results.

"I found my "inner peace" when I took up photography again using the technology of the digital age. I want urge other people not to give up on what you are passionate about."

As winner of the contest launched by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), Miller and a guest will be heading to Quebec City, Quebec, later this year for a free weekend hotel stay and an opportunity to explore and photograph the historic city.

"People with vision loss can do the same things as sighted people, but just in a different way," says Miller.

Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Pfizer, CNIB's Eye Remember photo contest is designed to educate Canadians about the importance of detecting glaucoma early in life and to remember to be proactive about their vision health.

Glaucoma, which usually progresses slowly and painlessly, is the second most common case of irreversible vision loss in seniors and affects more than 250,000 Canadians.

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