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Stories That Matter

Generous Stranger Secretly Pays Off Every Layaway Account at Toys R Us

Generous Stranger Secretly Pays Off Every Layaway Account at Toys R Us
At the Toys-R-Us store in Bellingham, Massachusetts a complete stranger became an angel for 154 customers. A woman this week walked into the store and told a cashier she wanted to pay off a layaway balance. "Which one?" she was asked. "All of them," she replied. For a total of $20,000.

At the Toys-R-Us store in Bellingham, Massachusetts a complete stranger became an angel for 154 customers.

Around noon on Wednesday, a woman walked into the store and told a cashier she wanted to pay off a layaway balance. "Which one?" she was asked.

"All of them," she replied. For a total of $20,000.

"I have no words. I can't believe someone would do that, it's so nice," said one of the customers who had their balances erased.

(WATCH the video below from WFXT News, or READ the story via KIRO-TV)

MULTIPLY the Good by Sharing with Buttons below – Story tip from Mike McGinley

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