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Aurora Borealis May Be Visible in U.S. Northern Tier Tonight, NOAA Announces

Aurora Borealis May Be Visible in U.S. Northern Tier Tonight, NOAA Announces
NOAA predicted there will be a visible aurora in the northern US tonight after observing several solar flares in the last few days.

The U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center run by NOAA has just predicted a visible aurora borealis may appear in the northern US tonight, after observing several solar flares kicking up over the last few days.

These flares, known as coronal mass ejections, are what cause the geomagnetic storms which we see as green lights in the sky from the surface.

At the moment, the NOAA Aurora Forecast can't say for sure if they will appear south of Northern Canada, but if this were to change, it would likely appear in the northernmost states east of the Rockies.

The magnetic field redirects incoming solar wind, which is made up of charged particles, towards the north and south magnetic poles.

The colors are dependent on the particles being ejected by the sun. Nitrogen shows up as red, while the classic green color is because of oxygen.

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