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Artist Makes Incredible Doll Houses of Miniature Film Sets From Harry Potter, Friends, and Jurassic Park

Artist Makes Incredible Doll Houses of Miniature Film Sets From Harry Potter, Friends, and Jurassic Park
Artist Bridget McCarty makes models of film sets such as for Harry Potter and Friends, and they're so popular the designs are now a career for her.

Bridget McCarty creates miniature film sets—but they're so detailed you wouldn't even know they were fake.

Her works include iconic scenes from Jurassic Park, Friends, and Harry Potter and can take up to a month each to build, but the outcomes are astounding.

Bridget, from Los Angeles, California, says it started as a hobby—but it became her full-time job when people started queueing up demanding to buy her pieces.

She said, "Creating miniatures can really take you away to another world. My ideas can be found everywhere—from my favorite TV shows to theme parks.

Bridget told how she was inspired by her grandmother, who used to collect miniature items whenever she traveled and would store them on shelves.

But as a child Bridget was never allowed to touch the delicate items, which made her more and more curious.

She said, "Knowing I couldn't touch them made me more obsessed with them."


As she grew up, she began to create miniature pieces of her own as a hobby alongside studying in school.

But when she started visiting conventions and set up a small online shop, people were fascinated, and demand for her tiny scenes meant it soon became a full-time job.


Bridget, who is also trained in animation art, said, "Other artists bought a lot of my pieces and motivated me to keep it up."


Her pieces are doll-house sized rooms made room wooden boxes—with dimensions of 50cm or less—and typically depict film sets.


She creates the incredible sets from "anything you can imagine" after fitting tiny electrical wiring to light the rooms up.

Some of her most recognizable pieces include Monica's flat in Friends, and Flourish and Blotts bookshop from the Harry Potter series.


She has even made a tiny but incredibly detailed version of Big Bang Theory's Comic Center of Pasadena.


And she has no plans to stop, with her tiny scenes and other tiny items becoming more and more popular.

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