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Apple Commits $2.5 Billion to Combatting Housing Crisis in California

Apple Commits $2.5 Billion to Combatting Housing Crisis in California
In addition to curbing housing shortages for low- and middle-income homeowners, the tech company will be working to build housing for CA homeless as well.

This week, Apple announced a comprehensive $2.5 billion plan to help address the housing availability and affordability crisis in California.

As costs skyrocket for renters and potential homebuyers—and as the availability of affordable housing fails to keep pace with the region's growth—community members like teachers, firefighters, first responders, and service workers are increasingly being forced to relocate to cheaper housing further away from their jobs.

Nearly 30,000 people left San Francisco between April and June of this year and homeownership in the Bay Area is at a seven-year low.

"Before the world knew the name Silicon Valley, and long before we carried technology in our pockets, Apple called this region home, and we feel a profound civic responsibility to ensure it remains a vibrant place where people can live, have a family and contribute to the community," said Tim Cook, Apple's CEO. "Affordable housing means stability and dignity, opportunity and pride. When these things fall out of reach for too many, we know the course we are on is unsustainable, and Apple is committed to being part of the solution."

Apple designed its initiative to accelerate and expand new housing production; jump-start long-term developments that would otherwise not be possible; help first-time buyers purchase homes; and support new housing and programs to reduce homelessness, after extensively studying the issue and listening to different perspectives.

In partnership with Governor Gavin Newsom, the state of California and community-based organizations, Apple is providing a significant investment that offers statewide housing support as well as funding for projects in Silicon Valley and the Bay Area.

"This unparalleled financial commitment to affordable housing, and the innovative strategies at the heart of this initiative, are proof that Apple is serious about solving this issue. I hope other companies follow their lead," said Gavin Newsom, governor of California. "The sky-high cost of housing. . . can only be fixed by building more housing. This partnership with Apple will allow the state of California to do just that."

Apple's commitment to the state of California includes their new $1 billion affordable housing investment fund committed to the state of California, which is a first-of-its-kind affordable housing fund that will provide the state and others with an open line of credit to develop and build additional new, very low- to moderate-income housing faster, and at a lower cost.

Additionally, the tech company is working with the state to launch their $1 billion first-time homebuyer mortgage assistance fund for first-time homebuyers, which will provide aspiring homebuyers with financing and down payment assistance.

The funding commitment to California is expected to take approximately two years to be fully utilized depending on the availability of projects. Capital returned to Apple will be reinvested in future projects over the next five years.

In addition to these initiatives, Apple is working to identify private developers who, with the right financing and investment, are ready to start construction on affordable housing projects in the Bay Area immediately.

Apple will also provide $200 million to support new lower-income housing and help some of the most vulnerable populations in the Bay Area:

"We're so grateful that Apple has made this significant philanthropic commitment towards solving Silicon Valley's growing homelessness crisis," said Jennifer Loving, Destination: Home's CEO. "With this generous contribution, we'll be able to scale two proven strategies for reducing homelessness in our community: the production of more permanently affordable housing for our most vulnerable residents and an expansion of prevention programs that help at-risk families remain stably housed."

One of the first projects Apple will fund as part of its philanthropic commitment to Destination: Home will be an expansion of the organization's Homelessness Prevention System, a network of service providers offering employment assistance, legal aid, rent subsidy, case management and other support to reduce homelessness.

"We have worked closely with leading experts to put together a plan that confronts this challenge on all fronts, from the critical need to increase housing supply, to support for first-time homebuyers and young families, to essential philanthropy to assist those at greatest risk," said Lisa Jackson, Apple's vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives. "Apple is committed to being a good neighbor and helping to write the next chapter of the region that has been a great home of innovation and creativity for generations."

By putting its $2.5 billion investment to use across multiple initiatives and partners, Apple's housing initiative offers a comprehensive and multi-pronged approach to address some of the most urgent challenges facing affordable housing in California. This initiative is a major step, and Apple will continue looking for ways to support communities and affordable housing.

Be Sure And Share The Good News With Your Friends On Social Media – File photo by Ibudiallo

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