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Another City to Make Public Transportation Free - On Bad Air Pollution Days

Another City to Make Public Transportation Free - On Bad Air Pollution Days
The initiative will also make bike-sharing infrastructure free for public use as well.

The legislators of Brussels have announced that public transportation and bike-sharing systems will be free for use on days when air pollution exceeds quality limitations set by the European Union.

On such smoggy days, city authorities also plan on banning the use of wood stoves and cutting automotive speed limits by one third.

The directive was introduced earlier this week following two days of surpassing the average of 51-70 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter of air. The Belgian city council expects the proposal to go into full effect by the summer.

The city is also trying to meet EU air quality standards by electrifying public buses and creating low carbon emissions zones.

Pascal Smet, Brussels' mobility minister, told The Guardian: "The idea is not to ban cars from the city, but to find a new balance."

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