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America's First Permitted, 3D-printed House Was Built in Texas in Less Than 24 Hours

America's First Permitted, 3D-printed House Was Built in Texas in Less Than 24 Hours
The organizations responsible for the home in Austin now plan on constructing entire communities of 3D-printed buildings around the world.

America's first permitted, 3D-printed home has just been created in Austin, Texas.

The stylish house was created by ICON, an innovative construction company, and New Story, a charity dedicated towards providing shelter for families in the developing world.

After the successful establishment of the home in Austin, the organizations are now working towards building a whole community of the 3D-printed homes in rural El Salvador or Haiti.

Each home costs roughly $4,000 to create, with a small amount of additional human labor. All the materials for the building are locally-sourced and made from mortar. Additionally, each home takes only about 12 to 24 hours to make.

ICON co-founder Jason Ballard said in a statement: "With 3D-printing, you not only have a continuous thermal envelope, high thermal mass, and near zero-waste, but you also have speed, a much broader design palette, next-level resiliency, and the possibility of a quantum leap in affordability. This isn't 10 percent better, it's 10 times better."

Assuming the organizations are able to achieve their fundraising goal, families could move in as soon as the third quarter of 2019. Once they complete the community in El Salvador, ICON and New Story will "democratize the technology to other non-profits and governments to scale around the world."

(WATCH the video below)

Build Some Positivity: Click To Share With Your Friends (Photo by New Story)

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