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Alaska Natives Throw Potlatch Celebration for Deploying Troops

Alaska Natives Throw Potlatch Celebration for Deploying Troops
Native-American Alaskans hosted a traditional potlatch on Tuesday for about 400 soldiers and officers getting ready to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan. Donations of moose meat and fish came from throughout the area. Although food was a highlight, the troops also enjoyed traditional songs and dances.

Native-American Alaskans hosted a traditional potlatch on Tuesday for about 400 soldiers and officers getting ready to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Donations of moose meat and fish came from throughout the area. Although food was a highlight, the troops also enjoyed traditional songs and dances.

"The food is awesome. It just keeps coming," said Staff Sgt. Jose Perez, 27, of the 6th Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment. "I think it is outstanding to see this type of culture."

(READ the story at Anchorage Daily News)


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