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When Icy Roads Delay School Day, Bus Driver Buys 50 Breakfast Meals for His Students

When Icy Roads Delay School Day, Bus Driver Buys 50 Breakfast Meals for His Students
This compassionate bus driver was not about to let his students go through their school day without breakfast – so he made one more quick stop on his route.

Due to how icy roads delayed an Alabama school from opening, staffers announced that they would not be able to serve breakfast to the kids – but this bus driver was not about to let his students go through their classes while hungry.

Wayne Price had already picked up a lot of the students on his route for Montevallo Elementary School – so when the school announced that there wouldn't be any time for breakfast, Price purchased 50 McDonald's breakfast biscuits for his young passengers.

The school later made a Facebook post to highlight their driver's good deed, saying: "Mr. Price, one of our bus drivers, truly demonstrates the spirit of Christmas!

"On Tuesday, when school was delayed due to icy roads and we weren't able to serve breakfast, he purchased biscuits from McDonald's for his entire bus of students! What a kind act that our students will forever remember! Thank you, Mr. Price, for making a lasting impact in the lives of our students!"

Price has since been praised for his kindness across social media platforms and news outlets – but according to some Facebook comments, the compassionate gesture wasn't exactly out of the ordinary.

"Anyone who knows Wayne Price would know that this isn't a random moment," said Facebook user Derek Wilson. "In the almost 20 years of knowing him, I've seen this man give so much of himself to his community. I've experienced first hand the hope and guidance he brings to people who may not find it anywhere else. I'm glad he's getting the acknowledgment he deserves."

At the same time, Montevallo's hero does not seem to think much of his act of kindness.

"You can drop $50 going out to dinner, and it was nothing more than taking my family out to dinner", Price told WBMA-LD. "We get caught up in materialistic things, even buying biscuits to a certain element is a little materialistic, but Christmas is giving. Christmas is showing love," he concluded with a smile.

Be Sure And Drive This Story To Your Friends By Sharing It To Social Media – File Photo by Coastline09, CC

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