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Airline Attendants Use Overseas Flights to Aid Half Million Orphans

Airline Attendants Use Overseas Flights to Aid Half Million Orphans
Airline Ambassadors International has bettered the lives of more than a half million children around the globe thanks to 590 flight attendants...

An American Airlines flight attendant wondered how she could help others less fortunate than herself. Then, she noticed all the empty seats and spare cargo spaces on many overseas flights. She began taking bags of soaps and shampoos to orphanages in places like El Salvador, and promised to take one such trip per month. She was so inspired by her feelings for the children that she created Airline Ambassadors International and today is inspiring 590 other flight attendants and hundreds of citizens to make a difference in the world…

Twelve airlines have joined the cause, paying the added fuel costs that the surplus weight requires. Since 1996, this dynamic group has bettered the lives of more than a half million children in more than 50 countries around the globe… Congratulations to Nancy Rivard. Read more at NBC's Making a Difference. Donate to her organization or read about its current projects at www.airlineamb.org


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