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60% of People Planning Reunions with Family and Friends This Summer

60% of People Planning Reunions with Family and Friends This Summer
60% of people are looking to travel to reunite with family and friends, and more saying they want to reconnect with family traditions.

A cheery poll found that almost 60% of people are planning to spend their summer vacation on a reunion with family and friends. A further 65% said that spending time with family and friends brings them more joy than other vacation themes.

Now in the third summer since the pandemic began, 32% of respondents said they hadn't seen extended family in 4-years. 68% said they'd be willing to travel further than ever before this summer to reconnect with family and friends.

The majority of those surveyed said the ideal duration for a reunion would be 3 days, perhaps because 51% of respondents believe family reunions look different now than they did a few years ago.

For example, many respondents now look at out-group individuals more like family, saying that reunions will feature invites to friends (42%), significant others (39%), neighbors (34%) and pets (36%).

The majority (55%) of those surveyed said that, in terms of the theme of the reunion they planned to attend, they are focusing on a mixture of celebrating old family traditions, and starting new ones, with 64% of those polled saying they want to reconnect with family traditions.

Remarkably in terms of reunion activities 35% said they would like to make matching t-shirts, while more traditional activities like catching up with friends and family (24%) and having a family BBQ (20%) were also on the list.

In terms of getting there, 70% of people said they would drive, and 36% would opt for a hotel on their stay.

The poll was managed by OnePoll on behalf of Motel 6.

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A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.

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