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4-Year-Old Girl Yells 'Black Lives Matter' At Woman in Home Depot-Now They're Good Friends (WATCH)

4-Year-Old Girl Yells 'Black Lives Matter' At Woman in Home Depot-Now They're Good Friends (WATCH)
When Cassi Radcliff heard her 4-year-old yell 'Black Lives Matter' at a woman in the store, she wasn't expecting such a friendship to bloom.

When a Colorado mom heard her 4-year-old daughter yell ‘Black Lives Matter' to a woman in Home Depot this summer, she wasn't expecting such a beautiful friendship to blossom for the pair.

Sherri Gonzales was out shopping in Commerce City when she heard a little girl say the words that have been chanted on thousands of streets around the world this summer.

"She said it with strength, like she was making a point," Sherri told KCNC in Denver.

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That little girl was Camryn Radcliff. Her mom, Cassi, wasn't sure how a person would react to having ‘Black Lives Matter' yelled at them.

Sherri Gonzales looked at Cam and said, "Thank you so much for saying that and for recognizing that my life matters."

The pair became fast friends, and took a photo together. Cam then sweetly invited Sherri over for a sleepover, so the group exchanged numbers.

Since then, Cam and her mom have deepened their relationship with their new friend-recently holding a garage sale in which they donated all the proceeds to Gonzales' organization Sherri's Girls Empowerment International. 

Over two days, the sale made $2,070-money that will now go towards sending girls to school in Kenya.

"All of this happens," Sherri told KCNC, "because a sweet little 4-year-old recognized that my life matters."

The pals have recently found another thing they share in common: a love for the Denver Broncos. Cam wants to be a cheerleader for them when she grows up. Sherri's son, D.J. Williams, is a former linebacker for the NFL team.

The impressive duo's new bond just goes to show: It's never too early to start putting some good vibes out there into the world. And it's never too late to make a new friend.

(WATCH the video below from KCNC-TV) - Photos: Sherri Gonzales

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