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4 of World's Biggest Cities to Ban Diesel Vehicles by 2025

4 of World's Biggest Cities to Ban Diesel Vehicles by 2025
In an effort to ease air pollution in city centers, Paris, Athens, Mexico City, and Madrid announced plans to ban diesel vehicles by 2025.

The mayors of Paris, Madrid, Athens, and Mexico City announced at the C40 mayors summit this week that they will be issuing diesel vehicle bans from city centers to fight air pollution.

Health hazards related to diesel fumes include nausea, difficulty breathing, itchy eyes, increased blood pressure, headache, light-headedness, loss of appetite, poor coordination, and difficulty concentrating. The fuel also contains nitrogen dioxide which can seriously damage pedestrians' lungs.

The mayor of Mexico City, Miguel Ángel Mancera, says that city authorities hope to invest more in public transportation and promoting more sustainable vehicles.

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