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2016 Was One of the Safest Years in Aviation History

2016 Was One of the Safest Years in Aviation History
This year continued an exciting decline in airline accidents since 2004 thanks to safer and more stringent safety procedures.

Mainstream media excels at reporting deadly plane crashes and hijackings – but what about all the planes that landed safely?

According to new data released by the Aviation Safety Network, 2016 was the second safest year for aviation on record.

Over the course of the last decade, airlines have experienced less and less deaths per capita thanks to newly enforced safety procedures.

The census also shows that the five year average for accidents is at it's lowest point in 45 years. 2 out of the 19 accidents that occurred in 2016 alone were operated by airlines on the E.U. "black list". The blacklist, first published in 2006, is a list of airlines that are banned from entering the airspace of any European Union member state due to their failure to meet safety guidelines.

"Since 1997 the average number of airliner accidents has shown a steady and persistent decline, for a great deal thanks to the continuing safety-driven efforts by international aviation organizations such as ICAO, IATA, Flight Safety Foundation and the aviation industry," said ASN President Harro Ranter.

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