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20-Year-old Horse Swept Away by Flood Returns Unscathed 13 Days Later

20-Year-old Horse Swept Away by Flood Returns Unscathed 13 Days Later
Her owners assumed the worst when the mare was swept away by floodwaters – but somehow, 2 weeks later, the elder horse showed up on her own.

This horse may be elderly, but, after being swept away by raging floodwaters, she somehow managed to return to her home nearly 2 weeks later–in almost perfect health.

Then, 13 days after the incident, Voice returned to her owners as if nothing had happened. Apart from a few scratches and being a tad malnourished, Voice was virtually unscathed.

"Where she came from, I have no idea, because we've scoured every part of that river over and over again," Voice's owner Liz Currie told the New Zealand Herald. "She's obviously been stuck on a bank somewhere because she was a real mess. I've given her a bath to try and get some of the mud and that off her, but it's all river sand."

Though the affair is puzzling, Liz is thrilled that Voice is safe—and healthy as a horse.

Don't Horse Around: Click To Share With Your Friends (Photo by Liz Currie)

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