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Revolutionary Water Filtration System Designed to Save Lives

Inventor and water-treatment expert Michael Pritchard was inspired after the devastating Asian tsunami and hurricane Katrina, which left so many without clean drinking water, to develop the Lifesaver bottle, a revolutionary water-filtration method could drastically reduce the suffering worldwide due to the lack of access to clean water.

Potential Diplomatic Breakthrough on Syria Chemical Weapons

Russia and France are working on plans for bringing Syria's chemical weapons under international control, after the idea emerged as a way to address the threat of chemical attacks in the country and potentially avoid U.S military strikes. U.S. President Barack Obama has called the Russian plan to put Syria's stockpile under international control a potential breakthrough and stressed that he overwhelmingly prefers diplomacy in deterring Syria's use of chemical weapons. Meanwhile, the Syrian Foreign Minister endorsed the Russian plan, saying it would be a way to avoid what he called U.S. aggression.

Italy to Build a Theme Park For Foodies in Bologna

With Italy in the deepest, longest recession since World War II, the nation is turning to its reputation among gourmet chefs and building a tourist mecca for foodies. The Eataly chain of food emporiums announced in February a new plan to help rescue the economy: Fico Eataly World, a theme park devoted entirely to food and wine.