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Showing 85 - 96 of 2,967 Posts

Angola Puts Faith in Farming

Thousands of kilometres of roads have been rebuilt after a civil war that ended in 2002, enabling farmers from banana plantations in the south to coffee producers in the north to bring their products to market on time and at affordable prices.

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Solar Panels Turning Dirty Water Clean in Angola

A brightly painted old shipping container with solar panels on its roof and high-specification filtration devices will soon be providing nearly 20,000 liters a day of clean, drinkable water to the area's 500 residents who currently rely on the dirty nearby river. If the pilot is successful, manufacturing will begin locally to roll out across the region.

Ethiopia and Angola Double Number of Girls in School in 10 years

The number of girls enrolling in primary school has soared across Africa in the last decade, according to a report released on Monday. With primary education now free in all but five African countries, there has been a boom in the number of children attending school, with Ethiopia and Angola showing the most dramatic improvements -- a 42 percent and 43 percent increase respectively from 2000 to 2011.

Alaska Airlines Donates to Coral Reef Conservation While Greening its Business

Alaska Airlines is teaming up with The Nature Conservancy to help restore coral reefs in Hawaii. Touting the paper-reducing benefits of its mobile app, the airline will donate $1 for every customer who downloads the mobile app during the month of August. Passengers can rid themselves of the need to print paper boarding passes at the same time as they help rid the Hawaiian reefs of invasive species.

Norway Protects Cod, Coral and Seabirds From the Threat of Oil

Putting the value of nature in front of the need for oil, the new government of Norway has decided to protect its valuable coastline from possible impact from petroleum spills. Oil and gas activity there would threaten the world's largest cod stock, the world's largest cold water coral reef and mainland Europe's biggest seabird colony.