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Ghana's Incredible Path Out of Hunger and Poverty

Ghana is on track to be the first country in Africa to achieve Millennium Development Goal for halving poverty and hunger by 2015. Between 1990 and 2004, Ghana outperformed all other countries worldwide, reducing hunger by 75 percent.

How One Man Planted a Million Trees (Video)

Gashaw Tahir, an American citizen, traveled back to his birth country of Ethiopia to find the green hills that surrounded his home eroded and stripped bare from deforestation. So he decided to do something extraordinary: Plant one million trees for Ethiopia

Britain offers Ethiopia $260 mln to fight poverty

Britain said on Thursday it will give Ethiopia 133 million pounds (2.5 billion birr) this year to help the Horn of Africa country try to achieve the U.N. Millennium Development Goals, sending 1 million children to school and buying three million mosquito nets.

Ethiopia Signs Deal to Build Largest Wind Farm in Africa

Last month Ethiopia signed a deal to construct Africa's biggest wind farm. The 300 million dollar contract with a French company to complete the facility within two and a half years promises to yield 15 percent of of all electricity in Ethiopia, the second most populous country in Africa.

Solar Kiosk Debuts in Ethiopia, Brings First Electricity to Remote Villages

A German company has installed its first clean energy kiosk in rural Ethiopia powered by rooftop solar panels. The self-contained SolarKiosk functions as a small-scale power company for surrounding villages that have no electricity. The large metal roadside booth, which can hold 6-8 people inside, is expected to provide enough power for villagers to charge their mobile phones and car batteries, run a computer, and power its own solar fridge, which might offer the only refrigeration for miles.