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Once an Urban Landfill, Now a Rowing Paradise

Near the junction of the New Jersey Turnpike and Interstate 80, not far from the conga line of traffic grinding toward New York City, lies a body of water that was once a garbage dump, a murky soup of stinking refuse and plastic bottles. But after a recent renaissance, that body of water, Overpeck Creek, and the new park abutting it have become a destination for rowers from New York City.

Detroit and Banks Team Up to Lure Police Officers Back to City With Low Cost Homes

The city of Detroit and Bank of America have teamed up to solve three problems at once: By enticing cops to live in urban neighborhoods, offering them refurbished homes and low cost loans, houses standing empty will be inhabited, rather than vandalized, communities will feel more secure with law enforcement nearby, and urban property values and the city's tax base will be bolstered.

Restoring Lake Erie's Largest Wetland After 75 Years

Only around 5 percent of the wetlands in western Lake Erie remain from the days before pollution and dam construction. Now, a five-year process is underway to restore one of the lake's largest coastal wetlands, thanks to the Nature Conservancy.

"Happy Feet" The Stranded Penguin Headed Home (Video)

The wayward emperor penguin that was found on a New Zealand beach June 20, far from his Antarctic feeding grounds and moved to the zoo after he became ill from eating sand that he likely mistook for snow, has since regained weight and been cleared to be returned to the wild.

Separated by War, 9-yo Speaks to Mom for First Time in a Year

Vodafone is helping reunite families with loved ones in a refugee camp in Democratic Republic of Congo by providing free phone calls. Thanks to the humanitarian effort, nine-year-old Nirere was able to speak to her mother for the first time since they were separated 15 months ago.

Darfur Women Learn English

Women in a refugee camp for Internally Displaced Persons in North Darfur receive English classes conducted by volunteer teachers and facilitated by the UN / African Union peacekeepers (UNAMID).

Defective Tires Recycled

The 6.5 million tires recalled by Bridgestone/ Firestone from Ford Explorers in August, 2000 are being put to good use by Waste Management, Inc.

A Better Way to Recycle Plastic

Perhaps we can take a lesson from the innovative entrepreneurs of India when it comes to recycling plastics. Alka is the inventor of a process that clears our environment of plastic waste, creates a million jobs in waste management, adds useful, profitable bi-products, like fuel, to our economy and makes India a technology leader in taming plastics.