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Showing 2149 - 2160 of 2,967 Posts

Cease-fire in Gaza Conflict Announced by Egypt, US

The Egyptian government announced that Israel and Palestinian leaders in the Gaza strip have agreed to halt hostilities after eight days of Israeli bombardment of the enclave and hundreds of rocket strikes inside Israel. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who engaged in intensive shuttle diplomacy aimed at ending the conflict was present for the announcement.

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Aung San Suu Kyi Finally Claims her Nobel Peace Prize, 21 years Later

Suu Kyi received two standing ovations inside Oslo's city hall as she gave her long-delayed acceptance speech 21 years after she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her unflagging support for democracy in the face of arrest and imprisonment in her military-controlled homeland of Myanmar. The 66-year-old champion of political freedom praised the power of her 1991 Nobel honor both for saving her from the depths of personal despair and shining an enduring spotlight on injustices in distant Myanmar.

Lawyer Wins Top UN Award for Aiding Boat People

A Maltese lawyer who has fought for the rights of boat people fleeing across the Mediterranean Sea, including victims of trauma or torture and survivors of sexual and gender based violence, sometimes in the face of great danger to herself, today won the most prestigious United Nations refugee award.

Cuba Legalizes Purchase and Sale Of Private Property

Cuba announced Thursday it is allowing the purchase and sale of real estate for the first time since the early days of the revolution, the most important reform yet in a series of free-market changes ushered in by President Raul Castro. The change follows the legalization in October of the purchase and sale of cars.

Chicago Youth Program Fights Violence With Employment

Nearly 700 children were hit by gunfire last year in Chicago. In an effort to reduce the violence, a program called CeaseFire is working to curb gang activity by helping at-risk youth find employment. CeaseFire also patrols the streets of poorer, urban neighborhoods to stop crimes before they happen.

Chicago Will Pay Cab Companies to Go Green

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley launched a new Green Taxi Program Friday that will encourage the taxi industry to purchase cost-effective hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. More green cabs will help the city move closer to reaching carbon emission goals set out in its Chicago Climate Action Plan, while also improving air quality.

Bicycle Transports Mini Library to Brazil's Homeless

Created one year ago by a 61-year-old librarian who became homeless, a large red tricycle that carries a small library through the city of São Paulo, Brazil encourages reading among people who live on the streets and cannot otherwise access libraries typically requiring ID and proof of residency.

Paris Employs Sheep to 'Mow' Lawn at City's Gardens

Officials in Paris this week looking for a greener way to keep its lawns mowed, replaced the fleet of noisy gas-guzzling lawnmowers with a small flock of sheep that are grazing the city's open spaces. The scheme also cuts down on the need for chemical herbicides.