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Do Good AND Make Money With 'Social Impact Bonds'

A new type of financial instrument is challenging the idea that giving and investing are separate and distinct. The social impact bond (SIB) is an experimental hybrid that applies a profit motive to some of the most intractable social problems. The government of Canada added itself to a short list of agencies around the world considering SIB programs, which can be seen as an alternative to charitable donations -- great for investors looking to place capital in a way that will generate economic and social value at the same time.

Greek Can-do Mayor Bucks National Trend in Fixing City Finances

70-year old Thessaloniki mayor Yannis Boutaris stands apart from the political mainstream, pulling off reforms that have so far evaded the national government in its three-year-old debt crisis. In contrast to the rest of Greece, this sea-front city of one million is shrinking debt, cutting business taxes to help firms and paying city employees and contractors on time.

World Makes Stunning Progress in Education of Young Children

Over the past 12 years, the world has made stunning progress toward the goal of having more children attend primary school. In sub-Saharan Africa, enrollment in primary school is up 18 percent; and globally, the number of young children not attending school has been cut by 35 percent -- a huge achievement.

Ducks Near Extinction Hang On, 18 Babies Hatched in Lab

On a remote lake in Madagascar, a fateful discovery of 22 ducks belonging to a variety thought to be extinct, inspired a group of conservationists to mobilize a last ditch effort to save the species, which had been previously been written off. This week, as the Madagascar pochard's only remaining wild population hangs on with just 22 adult birds surviving, the captive breeding program started in 2009 celebrated a huge success with the birth of 18 new babies.

New Life for Historic Railway

In what has been called an "historic agreement", a scenic stretch of railroad along the rugged coastline of British Columbia has been donated to a charitable community foundation ready to promote more environmentally friendly commuting and tourism.