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One Million People Pack D.C. With Energy, Optimism

Spirits were high among hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic spectators flocking to Washington for Monday's inauguration, where they braved chilly temperatures and heavy security to witness the ceremonial start of President Obama's second term.

Feds to Allow States to Pay to Reopen Some National Parks

With the threat of so many tourist dollars being lost in the wake of National Park closures during the government shut down, governors have been given permission to reopen attractions like Mount Rushmore in South Dakota and Zion or Arches in Utah using their own money.

Photo of the Day - It's Women's Equality Day

Women's Equality Day commemorates the day in 1920 when voting rights for women officially became part of the U.S. constitution. The 19th Amendment securing women the fundamental right to vote was a product of decades of organizing, protesting, and agitating. On August 26, we celebrate those who continue the work of building a society where women thrive, where every door is open to them, and their every dream can be realized.

Photo of the Day - Baseball, Apple Pie and Labor Day!

Today is Labor Day in the United States, for more than a century, a national holiday on the first Monday in September meant to honor the work -- and economic achievements -- of laborers and labor unions. Organizing by unions, and many workers losing their lives in the 19th and 20 century, helped win standards that most Americans enjoy and take for granted today, including the 40-hour work week, 8-hour day, and mandatory worker safety requirements.