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Showing 1105 - 1116 of 1,280 Posts

Sheriff Suspends Foreclosure Evictions Against Innocent Renters

Even renters who have not missed a payment have been caught in the foreclosure squeeze nationwide, but now Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has taken a stand saying he would help innocent renters who are playing by the rules but whose landlords are facing foreclosure by protecting them from surprise eviction.

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Katrina Hero Continues to Help Families 3 Years Later

Liz McCartney was haunted by images of Hurricane Katrina's destruction so she and her boyfriend decided to move to New Orleans to help families rebuild their lives. She founded St. Bernard Project, which has rennovated homes that were devestated for more than 120 families

Lucky Ducklings Saved

It was a lucky day for nine mallard ducklings that had tumbled through a sewer grate in Liverpool, New York. Lucky for them a local student, Matt Heath got involved. (Syracuse.com has the story)