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Showing 925 - 936 of 1,280 Posts

Disabled Bodies, but Able Workers!

80 percent of the workers hired at the Tennessee factory that makes artificial grass are disabled, but owner David Morris doesn't see them that way. Every worker and manager with cerebral palsy, downs syndrome, or schizophrenia is considered able.

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Woman Overcomes All Odds in Kenyan Slum, Now Helps Other Girls

Growing up in the Kenyan slums, Peninah was surrounded by drugs, prostitution and dire poverty. Peninah turned to education as her lifeline, walking nine miles to attend school every day, and learning basketball within one month to secure a scholarship to college. Now she created Safe Spaces to help other girls.

Purse-Swinging Granny Foils Jewel Thieves (Video)

A gritty granny armed only with her handbag fought off six robbers who were smashing windows in a jewelry store on a busy UK street. Amateur video filmed by a passerby shows the courageous senior citizen swinging her purse with a ferocity seemingly brought on only by her shock at the thugs' mid-day audacity.